Launching the game ================== The simplest way is: :: ppython If you want to play a specific level : just pass its name as the first argument to ```` (without the ``.lvl`` extension). For example: :: ppython level3 Playing the game ================ Your goal is to reach the exit in each level. The exit is a big white sphere. You can use "portals" to go from one point of the level to another unreachable point. Just create a portal where you want to go, create a portal near you, go into the portal and "tadam" you're on the other side. Here are the available keys (AZERTY keyboard by default, change this in ``Gate/`` if needed): * ``Z, Q, S, D`` : strafe and move * ``SPACE`` : jump * ``LMB`` : create "left" portal * ``RMB`` : create "right" portal * ``E`` : erase portals * ``C`` : clear portal status (for debug purpose only) * ``R`` : reset position * ``P`` : print position * ``B`` : enter pdb